Sep 24, 2012

Life lately, in iphotos.

It is officially fall people! 
Which means football season.

We visited the Utah State Fair.

I got to baby sit these two cuties.

Mason is filling out Nicely..

My good friend Whitney got Married!
Wedding Dinner at Aristo's Greek Restaurant.

Wedding Day!

I spent a couple days with my two BF's.

Enjoyed Saturday Shopping at City Creek, Blue Lemon, The Real Game and Cheesecake Factory with friends!
Purchased these beauties. Thaank you Anthropologie.

With fall comes this..

and this..

I've got my Halloween decor up, cupboards stocked with pumpkin puree, pumpkin spice candle lit, Twinkle Lights on and AND my Christmas music playing.. and now for the colder weather. 

1 comment:

  1. "Mason is filling out nicely." Laughed out loud at work.

    That blue dress is amazing.

    You guys are a great couple.

