Nov 27, 2012

The Holidays have arrived.

Well it's official. I have doubled my weight over 3 days time.
After spending multiple hours in the kitchen baking and then cleaning up, we headed down to Salt Lake. Stopping at our favorite, Maddox Drive-In for dinner and doing a little shopping on the way down. It was a great way to start out the Holiday break!

This year we spent Thanksgiving with my family which was so great!
 We did a lot of eating, napping, talking, and more eating. 
We went to a movie later that evening and then decided to do a little Black Friday shopping... which I'm still deciding if it was a good or not so good idea...

Picture is blurry because I was getting shoved for standing still for 5 seconds.
Friday we did some more shopping and eating of course.
Matt spent most the day hunting so I got a lot of my Christmas shopping done!
We ended the night with The DoDo and my favorite pie.
  See I told you I gained a lot of weight.

We drove back up to Logan Saturday morning to meet up with some friends and go to the USU football game. It was pretty cool since they won a Championship for the first time in a very very long time.
We ended the night with dinner and putting up our last Christmas decorations.
Now we can really get into the holiday spirit!

Well Thanksgiving you have come and gone but we sure have enjoyed every moment! And now CHRISTMAS!

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