Mar 13, 2013


March started out on a very good note...(well technically the end of February)...
We went on a double date with Justin and Megan to Tucanos and the Jazz game.
I could drink Brazilian lemonade all day every day.

Over the weekend we went down to Salt Lake to help my sister and her family move.
On the way down I stopped at RubySnap , hands down my favorite cookies...
You can sample any cookie and as many samples as you want. I mean what's not to like?

Friday night we babysat, ate my favorite pizza, and finally saw Silver Linings Playbook.

Saturday was moving day so we helped move them out of their old house... I was lucky enough to help with the kids and be "pampered" instead...

He just woke up, I can't get over this little face.

Matt and I headed downtown to City Creek in the afternoon to do a little shopping.
Spring is slowly on it's way and I am loving every bit of it.

Before heading back up to Logan we decided we were in the mood for some Indian. 
If you haven't been to the Bombay House. GO.
Proof. Look at all those awards.

We've had a few date nights... we went to the temple and dinner one night and another we went to one of my favorite restaurants in Logan and then the new Oz! 

The Bachelor finale happened so we obviously had to throw a little party... Chinese food included.

We have so much to look forward to these next couple months.
From warmer weather.
Baby Audrey.
Race Day.
To Tyler coming home! 
We cannot wait!

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