Apr 10, 2013

Welcome home Elder Weese!

Tyler has arrived, finally, after two years in Fort Worth Texas.
He arrived Thursday morning..

 What a cutie!

After saying our hellos we headed to City Creek for some lunch.
Matt's parents surprised him with a couple that he baptised from his mission.
It was so great to witness his hard work and meet the cutest little Texans.
They gave him a football signed by Emmitt Smith, football player/Dancing With the Stars Champion.
Some how I've managed to kill pretty much every plant I own...
Hopefully these beauts have more luck then my last succulents.
 We spent the day walking around the mall and Temple Square.

Friday we had a game night, ice cream, and watched a movie with the siblings.
Saturday we headed down to Salt Lake and spent the day shopping.
Matt went to Priesthood and I went to dinner with my mom and sisters at our favorite place.
It's pretty obvious why its our most favorite...

 and this kid is my favorite.

I met up with Matt's fam and we spent the night at Little America.
We went to the morning session of conference and then headed to Lunch.

It's been so great to have Tyler home!
And now we sit and wait for the arrival of baby Weese... aaaany day now.

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