Nov 15, 2013

Baby Update.

Half Way!

How far along are you? 20 Weeks! 

How are you feeling? Still feeling great! Never got any morning sickness (knock on wood) and I haven't been nauseous since before week ten. I have started to get headaches about once a week tho and some times they are killer! 

Do you have stretch marks? No.

Have you felt the baby move? No! Any day now I should. 

How big is the baby? Size of a honey dew! They estimate about 6.5 inches and 10.6 oz. 

Maternity clothes? Nope.

Sleep? My sleep is back to normal and I am very comfortable at night... probably won't last long tho. I'm the type of person that likes to be busy and if I keep going I don't notice if I am tired, BUT if I take a minute to lay down... I could sleep for hours.

Food cravings? Not really. I crave certain foods but they are foods I normally crave so I don't blame the baby, unless I eat 5 cookies.. Soup definitely has been my best friend tho.

Anything you miss? Weeeell I was missing eating sushi but my doctor gave me the a-okay!! So I am just a happy camper right now.

Best moment this week? Seeing him on the big screen! He's so big and so ceute! 

We had our big Dr. Appointment Today!

Look at that belly!

Everything looked good!
He's healthy and growing rapidly! His belly is so chubby it was so cute!
He's average size and might be coming more around April 14.
However, my doctor told us my due date is April 8th.
He was moving around a ton again.
He loves his hands! Always up in his face moving his fingers.
The best part was when he stretched his little legs out and yawned!
He's just kickin back and enjoying himself.
I love him already!
The nurse said my placenta is in the back so I should be able to feel him any day now!

Here's his little heart beat!

I can't believe I am already half way there!
With our crazy schedules + the holidays it's going to go by even quicker!
And here is my ever so awkward Belly Diary.

See you in 20 weeks baby boy! 

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