Mar 24, 2014


Well I wrote this and was going to post in a few days but Beck had different plans...
He came about a month early! So this really should say "Less then a day away" haha.
Figured I'd post it anyway..
Less then a month away!
How far along are you? 37 weeks
How are you feeling? Health wise, great. Emotional wise, an anxious wreck! I am getting super anxious for when/where I go in to labor... I keep having dreams about it and some are good some are bad. But I am trying to keep calm cause no matter what this little thing is coming out of me some time! He's also head down so his legs are up in my ribs most the day which usually only bothers me when I am sitting... which is most the day while I work.
Do you have stretch marks? No.
Movement? He seriously is constantly moving, which I love! They are very big sharp movements now so my whole stomach jolts and sometimes my arms bounce around if they're resting on my belly. He gets the hiccups about every couple hours, it's hilarious... unless it's at 3 am. 
How big is the baby? 19-22 inches, 6.5 lbs. Size of a watermelon 
Maternity clothes? Yep.
Sleep? Depends on the night. The nights I don't sleep are all because of me and being anxious. But then once I wake up and can't sleep the baby wakes up and goes a little crazy. However, this past week I have slept the best I've slept in months! It's been wonderful. 
Food cravings? I don't know if I'd count this as a craving but I can eat about 6 cream filled cadbury eggs in 5 minutes. 
Anything you miss? Running, leaning over with out wincing, eating 3 meals a day and not 8... I could go on for awhile.
Best moment this week? It was a big relief finding out he was head down. I was getting real nervous he'd be breach. Loved all my showers and doing a big shopping trip to Buy Buy Baby. Setting up his nursery and teeny tiny clothes! My good friend Elizabeth asked if I'd do a little maternity photo shoot with her, I don't love photo shoots - especially ones of just myself - BUT it was actually  a lot of fun and I am really excited to see the end result! 

>35 weeks<

I can't even begin to explain how much we love Beckham! 
He's been such a good baby and I'm so lucky to have him as my mini MINI best friend.
It might take me awhile but birth story to come...
Here he is in all his itty bitty glory!

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