Dec 14, 2012

All is calm... but not really.

We have been very busy with 
work, the holidays, family 

everything that comes with it.
It's been a very busy, fun month!

 Unfortunately for a couple weeks after Thanksgiving I was really sick.
But still got to enjoy
Olivia's Pink. Princess. Pancake. Pajama Party.
& our own little Thanksgiving dinner with even our first attempt at Turkey!

I have been loving all the fresh cut Christmas Trees and Holiday lights!
We had our first family Christmas party with my mom's side...
I have no words for how cute that little boy is.
I miss him & want him as my own.


On Friday we drove down to Salt Lake and went on a double date with Megan & Justin.
We ate at Blue Lemon and then went to the Jazz game.
After we made our way through Temple Square (one of my favorite things about December).
We finished the night with Nielsen's Coconut & Cashew frozen custard
- my mouth is watering just thinking about it -

On Saturday we barely made it to Kneaders Breakfast where we enjoyed
the BEST
bottomless french toast.
We went to a Christmas concert that afternoon & to an early dinner with Matt's family.
That night we went to the USU basketball game
to Chili's to get some appetizers with friends.

This week has been one of the busiest weeks for both of us.
we have still been able to enjoy
Christmas movies
Board Games
Holiday Gingerbread Kits
this little chubby face
a Christmas Miracle that will have it's very own post.
All is well and all is not so calm around here
but we sure are enjoying every bit of this Holiday Season

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