Dec 17, 2012


Today was definitely a LUCKY day!
Baby Burton Bear Splan was born around 3:40 am
He was 1 pound 8 ounces, 12 inches long and about 16 weeks early
There were a lot of complications in my sisters pregnancy and ultimately baby boy had a 
2% chance of survival
Early that morning I woke up to a text from my sister saying he had arrived!
He was tiny and as healthy as a 1 pound baby could be
We got to see him that day and he is so precious
 It was one of the coolest experiences that I will never forget 
Everyone couldn't believe how well he was doing and he is truly a miracle!
He still has a long way to go but he is doing well
I couldn't be more happy and proud of Erin & Jake 
They've had the best attitude and outlook on this whole situation

Can't wait till I can finally hold baby Burton!

1 comment:

  1. i want to hold baby burton too! cutie little thing. see you in 1.5 days btb!!!
