Jan 1, 2013

Life lately, in iphotos.

Christmas Edition


Goodbye 2012
You have brought us many ups & downs
Some of our favorite Highlights were...

Ryan & Kylie getting married
One week vacation to Oceanside California
Celebrating our 1 year Anniversary in St. George
Visiting Kara & Joe
Chubby baby Mason being born
Completing my first half marathon
Girls Trip
Birthday Getaway
Spending Thanksgiving with my family
The Holidays
Burton Bear Splan
Spending time with friends
Being able to enjoy and experience everything together

This past month has probably been one of the hardest months my family & I have ever had.
 it's made us all realize what is important in life & how blessed we are to have such wonderful family and friends.

2013 be good to us.

1 comment:

  1. I love your photo posts. Makes me want to take more pictures.
