Aug 1, 2012

New Nephew.

Mason Stuart Nordhoff was born Thursday, July 26 and is the sweetest little baby! I love him so much and he is way too cute to not have his very own blog post...

Jessica text me on Thursday at about 10 saying that they were on their way to the hospital! I had major anxiety and tried to stay at work as long as I could. By the time I had gotten down to Salt Lake Jess had just gotten the epidural and was dilated to a five. They figured it'd be a couple more hours... 10 minutes later baby boy was here! He was the perfect size, 7 lbs 9 ounces, has a bunch of dark hair and has the chubbiest cheeks! Even though three is going to be a handful I am so excited for them!

Get ready for a whole lot of baby.

Jack was a little skeptical...

Friday (2 days old)

Saturday we decorated the Nordhoff's house and then headed to the best breakfast place in town, The Original Pancake House. After we went to watch Matt's little brother Ben play in his baseball tournament, ran to my much beloved Costco and then decided to do a little shopping down at City Creek. We met up with Matt's brother Ryan and his wife Kylie to shop and get some dinner.

These two were really excited to decorate.. considering Jack has been a little "uneasy" we figured he deserved a cardboard cut out of one of his favorite characters. 

Gigantic omelet with a side of White Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut Pancakes? Yes please.

Sunday was Matt's cousins homecoming so not only did we get to enjoy hearing Hayden speak and having him home, we enjoyed a lot of family and A LOT of food. My sister only lives a few minutes away from his aunt and uncles so we stopped off there to see the baby one more time before heading back up to Logan.

 And we ended this wonderful weekend with a wonderful hamburger...

1 comment:

  1. Oh I LOVE this post!! Mason sure loves his Aunt Jen :) We love you and can't wait to see you!!!
