Nov 14, 2012

24 Years Young.

My birthday conveniently landed on a Monday
Luckily for me I have a wonderful husband, friends, and family who celebrated it all weekend (and some days before) long! 
Matthew had a meeting in San Jose, California and got to go to dinner with Brett, Joe & Kara.
I had mixed feelings about this of course but just pretended I was there
So I feel like I got to visit San Fran and my friends for an early birthday gift.. 
Kind of

Sea Salt & Almond Dark Chocolate... thank you BTB!
This is what happens when I am left alone... Christmas comes early!

That weekend Matt secretly planned a birthday getaway
he surprised me with dinner at Taggert's
and a night at the Park City Resort
Thank You Husband!
We spent the night hot tubing, eating, and watching movies
We slept in, went to lunch, and did some shopping at the outlets
After we headed down to Salt Lake to do some more shopping and eating with my family

We look nudey but we are in swim suits I swear. 

Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate, yes please. 

Sunday we had a big dinner celebration with my family
including my favorite cake

Monday was my actual birthday and I had to work, Waaah Wah
However, they did bring in lunch from a place of my choosing
Thank you Paradise for your wonderful Molasses, Gingersnap cookie
Matt and I went to dinner and then finished the night with James Bond 
Popcorn. Diet Coke. & Milk Duds.

and as if all of that wasn't enough
we had another birthday dinner with Matt's family on Tuesday!
Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes
words of comfort for being that much closer to 25...
Love you all! Especially my sweet sweet husband

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