Feb 16, 2012

Love is in the air...

      This February we not only got to celebrate LOVE on February 14th, we got to celebrate it the whole first half of the month.
      Matt's brother Ryan got married on February 10 in the Salt Lake temple. They had an open house a couple days before at the Historic Farm in Logan. The open house was so nice and casual! It was fun to be with family and relax... since it wasn't our wedding..

Matt's cutest cousin Tyson.
      February 9, the day before the wedding, happened to be mine and Matt's year mark of when we got engaged  at the Jazz game! We figured it would be best to go down to Salt Lake and spend the night so we wouldn't have to wake up any earlier then we needed to for the big day. We celebrated by going to Cheesecake and did a little shopping. It's crazy it's been a year already, so much has changed in our lives but it has been great having each other and being able to spend every day together. I love Matt and our relationship and our cute little life we have together!

      Ryan and Kylie's wedding went so well and turned out so pretty! I loved being able to be in their Ceremony and be with them through out the whole day. They really lucked out with the weather in February, it was a good 58 degrees when they came out of the temple! We are so happy for them and are excited that they are finally MARRIED!
Young Love.

They had their reception at the cool old fashioned Chantilly Mansion in Layton.

I always find him like this..

Off to the hoooneymoon.

      After all of this wedding goodness we last minute decided to stay down in Salt Lake at my parents. The next day (Saturday) was a lot of fun! My dad took Matt to the hunting show while my mom and I did a little shopping for her at Gateway. All of us kids got her a gift card for Christmas so she could go buy some new, well earned clothes, and I finally forced her to go with me to use it! After our successful time at Gateway we met up with the boys and went to the Boat Show. I hadn't been forever and it was fun to walk around and see all of the new boats and listen to my dad's "Big Plans" that he always has.. We then met up with the rest of my family for a delicious dinner at my parents favorite restaurant Epic. I love seeing my family, I always feel like it's been months since I last saw them when really it's been a couple weeks. Before heading back up to Logan we stopped off to see Jordan and Kristi's new little baby boy. Definitely loved every minute of that!
      Last but not least we celebrated our first Valentine's Day as a married couple. Unfortunately I was a little under the weather (to say the least) but we still celebrated it as much as we could. Both of us had work the whole day but when we got home we exchanged gifts.. Matt was way to generous and got me this running watch we had both been eyeing for a very long time.. and headed to Maddox for dinner. We ended up running into our good friends Megan and Justin there and decided it would be best to sit together. We finished the night with a movie at home and some chocolate and cough drops.. on my end.

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