Feb 16, 2012

The New Year.

It's been a busy new year so sadly I haven't had much time to Blog about mine and Matt's lives. However, it's been a wonderful start to 2012! We started out the year with my family up in Park City eating dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, Red Rock. We then spent the rest of the night playing games and getting ready for midnight at our cabin.

We started off the new year driving down to Salt Lake about once a week to watch the Jazz in action. In doing this we found a new love with the Maddox drive-through... well at least I did.

Anna... a little too excited that we just got on the Jumbo-Tron.
We also got to enjoy spending the day celebrating the wedding of Landon and Cassie Benson! They looked so happy and everything turned out so good. We are now lucky enough to have them as our neighbors and in our ward.


Bountiful Temple.

Their reception was at La Jardin, so pretty!
My beautiful friend Kristi was due on February 10 so we threw her a baby shower. It was so fun to see everyone and play some fun... interesting games. Little Diesel ended up coming a little early and Matt and I were lucky enough to go visit them and see just how cute he is!

Matt's parents were nice enough to throw a big Super Bowl party to start off February. It was filled with a lot of delicious food and of course a lot of football and Tom Brady..

My main men... minus the other twin.
The End.

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