Jan 2, 2012

Christmas Time.

        To start the Christmas weekend off Matt and I took a half day of work, packed up and headed down to Salt Lake. We met my family for dinner and a movie and afterwards made our traditional sugar cookies and listened to Christmas music. We woke up bright and early and ran a few errands. My dad insisted on taking Matt duck hunting so naturally Anna and I headed to the mall to see all of the Christmas Eve madness! It truly was madness... we didn't last very long and figured lunch would be best. The whole family came over around 5 to start the Christmas Eve festivities. This Christmas Eve..and most of our past Christmas Eve's.. consisted of our traditional dinner (delicious bread-sticks and sugar cookies included), a Christmas message, the exchanging of gifts, Christmas Jammers, wonderful gifts from my parents which, this year, included a trip to California that I cannot wait for! After all of the excitement Matt and I headed back to Logan to spend Christmas Day with the Weese family.
Christmas Sugar Cookies

Christmas Eve

        Being our first Christmas married, Christmas morning was a little different then what we were both use to. We went to church, came home and opened stockings and our gifts to each other! Even though it was a little different it was one of the best Christmas mornings. It was so much fun to just be the two of us and really enjoy being together on Christmas for the first time. After our little Christmas we went over to spend the rest of the day with Matt's family. We ate their traditional Christmas breakfast, put on more lovely Christmas pajamas, anticipated Tyler's call from Texas, opened more presents and enjoyed every one's company. It really was so much fun to spend Christmas day with Matt's family, I am so lucky to have two wonderful families!
Christmas Morning

Sticky Buns!


       After trying to teach Matt's parents how to use their new computer, we headed off to Tremonton to spend time with Matt's grandparents and extended family. We ate the best homemade soup and garlic bread and then opened up gifts and played signs... which was very entertaining.Christmas went by extremely fast but we enjoyed every minute of it!


  1. HEY JENNY! :) Its Shay (sorensen) Hansen. I saw your blog link off Kenz Oslunds. You and your hubby are way cute! Send me your email to smhansen08@yahoo.com and I will add you to our blog!!! :)

  2. Where do you live that your apartment has those pretty wood floors!? Wwwa jealous.

  3. cutest! i love your tree and your little family of you and matt. this makes me wish that me and tyson spent christmas at our house together by ourselves! so fun. love the jimmer jammers.
