Mar 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Husband!

       Matthew turned 27 years February 19th! I'm obviously the one that keeps him young.. just kidding... kind of. I love him so much. He is definitely the most hardworking, caring, calm, lovable person I know. I couldn't ask for a better person to spend my time and life with. I'll spare you more cheesy details of this cutie..

      Matt's birthday fell on a Sunday so we decided to celebrate all weekend of course. On Friday we went to dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant in Logan, came home to watch the end of the Jazz game while I prepared Matt's favorite cookies and then went to a movie which was surprisingly hilarious and entertaining.  My BF Kara Jepps was in town so Matt was nice enough to offer to go down to Salt Lake for the day Saturday so we could see her and spend some time in the big city. We went to lunch at Firehouse Subs, which is delicious, with some of our friends...

      Then as Matt wished we went to look at some car lots. Side note: We had been looking for a new car to replace my Jeanie Ortega for a while now. Since being a Holiday weekend there were a lot of good deals going on... so good that we made an impulsive buy and...

      WAALA! I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate our Presidents and Matt's birthday. Happy birthday to Matt... and me. I'll admit it was pretty sad saying goodbye to my little car... we had been through A LOT together... but it obviously was worth the momentary sadness.
      We didn't get done at the dealership until later that night so we had slim pickings on restaurants to go for Matt's Birthday dinner. Luckily his favorite place Pei Wei was still open so we got to enjoy some delicious food there! Sunday we went to part of church, came home and I made some surprisingly really good wheat banana pancakes with brown sugar glaze (probably should have taken a picture of them because they were a real beaut). Then Matthew opened up his presents...

       My favorite gift I gave (to myself) had to have been the birthday cake Oreo's! I've never had anything more delicious.. or more adorable! Later we went over to the Weese's to have a big birthday dinner with the whole family. We of course had a lot of fun and this was probably a great way for Matt to finish out his actual Birthday!
       Sadly Matt had to work Monday and left me all alone to celebrate the holiday by myself... besides when he so nicely picked up lunch for us. It was nice to finally sleep in and get our house all cleaned up and get most of the errands done. Later that night we went to dinner with a bunch of our friends to continue the birthday celebrations. 50 % off Sushi sooo this obviously was a success! That weekend we spent in Salt Lake eating, shopping and spending time my my family. My mom of course wanted to throw her own birthday party for Matt so we had a big Sunday dinner to finish off the birthday week!
      For our very last birthday event we went to Tucanos... thanks to them for giving Matt a free meal for his birthday month... which was sooo good! Then we went to the Jazz game and got to watch them win, finally. It was a wonderful, well deserved 10 day celebration! Love you Matt.

1 comment:

  1. Oh cute little Weese! Glad he had a good birthday and that you got a cute, new car out of it! :)
