Mar 12, 2012

Park City

      This past weekend Matt and I decided to take a short little getaway to Park City. It was probably the best weekend we could have gone to Park City and my cabin since the weather was the nicest it's been all winter. We drove down Friday night after work and went to dinner at one of our favorite BBQ places on Main Street in Park City... I am not a huge fan of BBQ but I am definitely a fan of this place! After we tried to walk off some of our dinner by strolling up and down Main Street, most of the stores were closed but it was still fun to see all the lights and fun-expensive stores.
I looove all of the lights Park City keeps up year round.
You can see the moon right on the brim of Matt's hat. 
I of course had to stop and get one of my most favorite treats.

       We then drove up to my parents cabin to watch a movie and spend the night. We slept in and woke up to the most beautiful day up in the mountains. The sky was clear, the sun was bright and there was sparkly white snow everywhere. We made a delicious breakfast... doesn't look so delicious but I promise you it was..
Home-made Gooey Cinnamon Biscuits.
      After breakfast we had to get outside to enjoy the pretty day... walking around, it felt like it was about 60 degrees up there.

      After our bit of exploring and roaming around outside we went back to shower and get ready for the day. We packed up and headed to the Outlets to see if we could get some good deals. After shopping for a couple hours we met up with my family for dinner at Salt City Burger. We finished dinner, said our goodbyes and headed back up to Logan very happy about our weekend.

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