Mar 29, 2012


      This Spring my parents took all the kids to a beach house in Oceanside, California for a whole week! I can't tell you how much I needed this trip. It was the perfect time to get away and take a break from work and real life. Considering we were there for a week we did a lot and took a lot of pictures... so I will try and keep this short as possible since I can't help but post most of the pictures..
      We flew in Saturday morning and arrived in the middle of a very determined storm that was a little annoying at first since most of us only brought shorts and tee-shirts, but it let up Monday and the rest of the week was beautiful! Sunday we took a trip to San Diego to see the San Diego temple. I've always loved this temple but seeing it in person made me love it even more. Monday we went to Sea World, which I was soo excited for! It was the perfect day to go since the storm scared off most people but it turned out to be a really pretty day. I loved Sea World! The rest of the week was spent swimming, surfing, eating, visiting Carlsbad, shopping, golfing, more eating, playing with the kids, running on the board walk, bon fires, s'mores, biking, walking on the beach and just having a good time with the family. Thank you parents for the wonderful, fun, vacation!
      Now for some pictures...
Olivia loving life on the plane.

Matt made a new best friend.
A cute little street where we ate dinner.

My mom's first request... church.

San Diego Temple!

The best, Sprinkles Cupcakes.

Shopping at the Forums in Carlsbad. 
Mission Beach.

Welcome to Sea World!

Sea Lion Show.
Clyde! My favorite.

Shamu. Or in Olivia's words... Shampoo!

Dolphin show.

I think he was asleep..

Ice Caves.

If you look closely you can see Shamu.
Do I even need to say anything about this?

The Pier! 

Boogie Boarding.

S'mores. Delish.

Our street view from the Beach House.

The board walk.

And Carol's second request..

Oh this hurts my heart a little bit.

Never loved something more.


Cutest restaurant in Old Town Carlsbad.
Stuart sneaking in..

Mini Palm.

We told her to do something crazy and this is what she came up with..

We definitely did not look like tourists.
On our bike ride in Carlsbad

Yes I got in the freezing ocean.


Mango Shrimp Quesadillas. Best Mexican restaurant in Carlsbad.
Not sure what's going on here..

I told you I had a lot of pictures. Props to you if you got to this point!


  1. Jenny I just found your blog and your California trip looked like so much fun, I hope all is well!

    1. Linds! I'm so glad you came across my blog haha and I am so glad you have one too! We need to catch up, I want to see how Arizona and married life is?! Hope you guys are loving it!

  2. Haha ok I am going to pee my pants with the last picture! Such cute pics, I wan to go back!!
