Apr 17, 2012


      This Easter Weekend we spent Friday and Saturday down in Salt Lake and Sunday up in Logan. We went down Friday after work and stopped off at one of our favorite restaurants, Pei Wei, and then went to the Jazz game!
      Saturday we spent the day at City Creek (every time we visit Salt Lake for the weekend I drag Matt to the mall just because I feel so deprived not having a good mall in Logan, even if it is just to window shop and walk around). We went to dinner at this really good BBQ restaurant called Sonny Bryan's and then made our way back up to Logan.
       Easter Sunday we went to church and taught our first Sunday School lesson. We made a really good Easter Brunch after church and just did a few things around the house and relaxed. We then went to dinner at Matt's sisters house to celebrate Easter and Matt's Dads birthday! I'm not very good at remembering to take pictures so here are the few I got over our holiday weekend..

Easter Egg Roll down Old Main.

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