Apr 17, 2012


      Every month we go down and spend a weekend in Salt Lake with my family and have a big Sunday dinner with everyone. We celebrated 5 birthdays this month so we had one big celebration for everyone.
      Friday we met my family for dinner at this little Mexican restaurant called El Chihuahua.. sounds shady but it was really good! I wish I would have taken a picture of the food cause it was delicious. We then went over and hung out at Erin and Jake's house for a bit and played with their crazy pets! Once again should have taken some pictures cause they are the cutest.. Over our week long family trip to California Matt made a new friend (my nephew) so we HAD to stop by their house before they put the kids down for bed. This was the result....

      Saturday all of the boys went fishing while the girls decided to head down to City Creek to do a little shopping and get some lunch.. it was so much fun just to hang out with my mom and sisters and my niece and nephew.

      Saturday night Matt and I went to dinner at California Pizza Kitchen with our good friends Kristi and Jordan and their sweet little baby Diesel! It was so much fun and makes me wish we lived closer to them.

       Sunday was the big birthday celebration. Before everyone came over I got to see my really good friend Elizabeth that just came home from a mission! It was great to get to see her and catch up.
       I love my mom's homemade cooked meals! I look forward to it every month, especially when it's for someone's birthday (she usually tends to go all out). We ate dinner, opened presents, and ate my favorite Almond Texas Sheet Cake. The kids were out of control but that always makes it more entertaining!

        It was a great weekend and Happy Birthday to Jackson, Matt Nordhoff, my sweet mother, Targhee and Anna!


  1. So fun! Please move here I need to see you every weekend not just one weekend a month!

  2. Hahaha!! Oh my gosh I am dying over those pictures .... seriously do you see what you and your husband do to my kids?! I mean obviously they are only crazy when you are around .... miss you!
