May 14, 2012

Spring to Summer

Warm weather is here and we have been trying to take full advantage of it! Lately our life has consisted of working, hikes, BBQ's with friends, the Jazz, family, comedy shows, movies, food, Real Salt Lake, shopping, bike rides and a lot more.  

This Saturday was a very productive Saturday for us. We woke up early to work on some things around the house, Matt painted our new (much needed) shelves in our closet and I finished up some crafts around the house. After, we headed to Center Street Grill for some lunch and then made our way up the canyon to a VERY pretty trail. Later we finished the night with a BBQ and the Jazz game with some friends. 

Matt and I were lucky enough to go to the last game between the Jazz and the Suns to see if the Jazz would make it to the playoffs. The game was at a later time then usual so we stopped off at City Creek before to enjoy the nice weather and some Cheesecake! We had so much fun watching the Jazz make it into the playoffs!

Our main Usher performing at Half Time.
His performance get-up. Love him. 

The next week I took a little trip down to Salt Lake to do some work and go to lunch and the mall with my sister and her kids! I can't get enough of Olivia and Jackson, I miss them so much! I cannot wait for baby #3 to come! I also can't get enough of these rice crispy treats...

Avalanche Bars.

That weekend Matt and I made our way down to Salt Lake to say goodbye to my little sister Anna who was going to Ecuador to help in the orphanage for almost 3 months! I am so excited for her to have that neat experience that not very many people will ever be able to have. Friday night we had to stop off at one of my favorite places for dinner... even tho it's their dessert I really love!

Toll House Cookie Pie..
Saturday was Cinco De Mayo and we celebrated with a Fiesta with my family and the Real Salt Lake soccer team.

Coconut & Red Velvet Fro-yo... delish.

We finished up the weekend with a nice Sunday dinner at Matt's parents house.

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