Jul 8, 2012

I LOVE America.

To start out our July -firework- celebration we went to the Freedom of Fire celebration in Logan on the 3rd. We went with Matt's family and got to enjoy some Kansas, snow cones, babies, and fireworks! After the show we met up with a bunch of our friends and watched them so weirdly have a throw up contest (this was not the first time) and try and shoot out light bulbs with a dart gun.. needless to say, I miss my friends.

Stew and Nate couldn't resist to have a sleep over at our humble home...


On the Fourth of July we went to Angies for a delicious breakfast, went to the pool for a couple hours and then headed up to Idaho Falls for a baseball game and their AMAZING fire work show!

Double parking lanes in the middle of the street.




Matt and I both had to work the next couple days but we road tripped down to Salt Lake Friday for the weekend and the Oakley Rodeo with my family. The rodeo was so much fun and it was the prettiest night. 

Saturday we went to Cowabunga Bay -a way fun water park by my sister's house, then grabbed some lunch at Firehouse Subs and then the boys went golfing and I went to go do a little swimming and catching up with my sweet sweet friend Marci Brooks. Afterwards my family met up for dinner and some Red Mango. We finished the wonderful weekend and night off with some more fireworks and a movie.

Oh July I sure do love you.

1 comment:

  1. "... so weirdly have a throw up contest.." Perfect phrasing.

    I love all of these pictures!
