Jul 25, 2012

Family, Friends & Food.

Lately we have been enjoying summer and each other as much as we can. 
Every year my sisters and I go to a little sale called the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. I don't know exactly why but I get way too excited for this. Mainly because I know I get to spend a day shopping and eating with my mom and sisters. We held true to our tradition and went opening day of the pre-select and all went to lunch to discuss our purchases. After a long day of shopping we went to my cousin's wedding shower. It was good to see everyone and I am excited for them!

My sales lady went a little overboard bringing out shoes. Not saying I didn't try them all on..

 Jackson gets a little delirious after he wakes up from a nap.

My drive back up to Logan. 

After almost three months in Ecuador my little sister Anna has returned! I sadly had to miss her welcome home Fiesta but Matt and I got to go down to Salt Lake for the weekend to spend with my family and hear all about Ecuador! Friday night we went to one of my favorite BBQ places and then got to enjoy the Dark Knight Rises. Saturday the boys went golfing (again) and then met up with all of us to go swim and eat lunch. Swimming with my niece and nephew is one of my most absolute favorite things because they are sooo excited about everything! After swimming we got ready and met up with our friends Kristi and Jordan. It's always so fun to see them and makes me realize how much I miss having all of my friends together in one place. Sunday we had a big dinner and got to see all of the pictures from Anna's trip.  She was so nice and got everyone blankets, nativity scenes, and treats including Bueno bars! I'm so glad she's home!

 Just some zero calorie Berry Cobbler...

His little jersey Anna got him in Ecuador.

Any day now till baby boy is here!!! 

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