Jul 27, 2013

fireworks. food. friends. family.

we've been soaking up this heat, 
enjoying the outdoors, 
lovin on Audj and of coarse eating..

I haven't been able to run with my knee so we've been trying out other cardio activities,
like mountain biking..
hasn't turned out too great for me..

there is the BEST sushi place by us that has 50% off rolls every week!
so we have spent some time eating sushi and the Demo Derby with friends.

we've been enjoying many firework shows!

as I mentioned earlier I've been having issues with my knee.
so to fill the void of exercising 
i've been eating candy, donuts, almond filled croissants, nachos, cookies.. 
you know just eating my feelings. 

last Saturday we spent the day swimming and drove down to SLC.
we had a little date night at City Creek and the Porcupine.
we went to an overlook to watch the sunset, which was amazing!

matt had some clients in from Brazil so we spent Sunday in Park City shopping.
and I'll tell you what, Brazilians know how to shop...

that night we had a little Bday party for Mason's 1st birthday!
we headed back up to Logan that night with the Brazilians, 
but not before we stopped off at Dunkin Donuts -- no brainer.

 once again we headed back down to SLC to drop the Brazilians off 
and to spend the 24th with my family.
my sister introduced us to this amazing mexican restaurant that we go to almost every time we are in Salt Lake.
after dinner we got a Diet Coke and watched fireworks from my dad's office -- not much can beat that.

we woke up early on the 24th to help babysit and move the Norhoff's into their cute new home.
this kid woke up a little earlier then usual...

later that day Matt and I went up to Silver Fork to walk around and eat at the lodge.
it wasn't very pretty..

we met up with the Nordy's for their extreme firework show 
-- extreme is no exaggeration, it was awesome!
none of the pictures I took even did it justice.
 (if you haven't noticed I act like this kid is my own)

almost done...
yesterday we went to sushi (told you we love it) and then to the Preston Rodeo/Fair.
I love any sort of fair so I obviously enjoyed myself.

ok I think I am done getting all of this off my chest.
next week we are headed to Island Park and we cannot wait!
July you have been very good to us. 

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