Oct 15, 2013

an exciting announcement!

Baby BOY Weese!
Arriving April 7 (give or take).

Believe it people!
 I am still a little in shock but we are both so excited and cannot wait to meet our little guy.
I am about 15 weeks along and have seriously been so lucky and have felt great!
I was a little nauseous from week 7 to week 10 where certain foods and smells hit my stomach wrong but nothing too uncomfortable. About once a week I get a bad stomach ache but that really is it. Please bless I continue to be this lucky. 
I had my first Dr. appointment right after we got back from New York and I was 9 weeks along.
That was definitely surreal cause I got to see the baby on the monitor and see the heart beat - looked like a little blob, not much going on but it was pretty cool!
We went in when I was a little over 14 weeks to Fetal Fotos, because we are both impatient like that, and found out it is definitely a boy! This was THE coolest and sweetest thing.
We got to watch our baby - that really looked like a baby - for about half an hour on a big screen.
He. Was. Going. Crazy.
Kicking his legs everywhere, doing flips, wiggling is fingers and toes, and covering his face with his teeny tiny hand! 

I'm going to try and keep updates on this pregnancy as much as I can.
I've been taking belly shots but as of right now there's not much too see. Just a lot of chub.
So this is all I'm posting for now.

14 weeks.

We also got our very first outfit for baby boy from the Jeppson's that I think deserves to be recorded...cause it's so cute!

I saw this good survey that I wanted to record!

Is this your first pregnancy? Yesh.
When did you find out you were pregnant? End of July.
Was it planned? Yes.
What was your first reaction? Oh shiz.
Who was with you when you found out? Well Matt knew I had missed my period but I was alone when I took a test! Bad idea, I didn't know what to do with myself the rest of the day waiting for Matt to get home. 
Who was the first person you told? Matt of course and then Kara a few months later.
How'd you tell your family? With my family we printed off the picture we took at the beach and included it in some other pictures we printed off from some of our trips my family had been asking to see and had my sister look through them and she just came across that picture! With Matt's we had gotten together for Kylie's birthday so we printed off that same picture and put it in her present.
How did your family react? Both our families were extremely surprised and freaked out! No one had any idea we were even trying. It took everyone a minute to even realize that we weren't joking. Best reaction ever. 
How far along are you? 15 weeks
What was your first symptom? Missed period and then my boobs... getting way too big for my liking.
What is your due date? They don't have an exact date yet but around April 7-14.
Do you know the sex of your baby? Yes! Boy! So excited.
Have you picked out names? We have a few top ones. 
Do you have stretch marks? Nope.
Have you felt the baby move? Nope.
Have you heard the heart beat? Yes! Cutest thing ever. 
How big is the baby? Around the size of an orange.
Maternity clothes? Nope.
Sleep? I've had no problems until we found out what the sex was... now I am extremely restless and my mind is going non stop at night. No bueno.
Food cravings? No. More like thinking things sound gross.
Next appointment? November! This will be our 20 week appointment where they do another big ultrasound, take measurements and other in depth things. 

More updates to come.

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