Sep 6, 2012

Labor Day Weekend.

Summer is coming to an end and we both have been extremely busy!
The company I work for, Saranoni, was lucky enough to be in Swiss Days this year! So last week that is pretty much all I did. Swiss Days is craazy, so many people! My mom and sister came up Friday to do a little shopping. It was so great to walk around with them and eat the delicious food, including my favorite gigantic scones and lemon yodels.

This is what Matt does when I'm away...

Swiss Days ended Saturday night which was lucky so I could still make it to my friend Whitney's bridal shower!

Baby Mason Nordhoff was blessed that Sunday.

Look at that face!

Later on Sunday we went up the canyon for a "hike" around Silver Lake. It's starting to feel/look a lot more like fall and I cannot wait! We then went over to visit the Plummer's and play some games. It was the best feeling knowing we didn't have to work the next day...

LABOR DAY! We did a little shopping in the morning, went to lunch at Blue Lemon, and then sweated it out at the Bee's game all afternoon! It was actually a really good game and so fun to hang out with Kristi and Jordan and their sweetest little baby Diesel. Before heading back up to Logan we went to dinner at the Porcupine and enjoyed their delicious food, including their amazing jumbo nachos!

What a cutie.
It was a wonderful Labor Day Weekend! 

Tuesday my family came up and we went to the Brigham City Temple open house that was so pretty! Then after we of course had to go to dinner at Maddox and enjoy some fresh peach pie!

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. still waiting for that pic of you in your swiss dress...give the people what they want!
