Dec 17, 2013

24 Weeks.

Baby Update.
How far along are you? 24 Weeks. 
How are you feeling? Great! My headaches are gone so no complaints. Thank you baby.
Do you have stretch marks? No.
Have you felt the baby move? Yes! I first felt him a few weeks ago. Coolest thing ever. The first time I felt him really did feel like butterflies in my stomach mixed with a small air bubble. He moves around like crazy every day which is good. I feel like it's his way of communicating with me, like when my pants are too tight... he punches me.. haha. Matt's been able to feel him to which I love. 
How big is the baby? The size of a rutabaga... a whatabaga? a Rutabaga. Approximately 13.5 inches long and 1.5 lbs.
Maternity clothes? No.
Sleep? There was one week where he was on my bladder so I woke up in the middle of the night every night to go to the bathroom and another night where he was having a dance party that kept me up past both mine and his bedtime but other then that I've slept well.
Food cravings? Really only thing I crave is my favorite salad from Noodles. I'd eat it every day if I could.
Anything you miss? Not feeling like I am going to pee my pants every time I run...
Best moment this week? Feeling him move! Little guy is getting pretty strong so now I can see my belly move when he hits or kicks it, thought it'd freak me out but I actually love it cause I looove him. 

I had my monthly Dr. appointment this past week and everything is looking good! 
He's growing quickly and will be growing a ton every week. My little nephew was born at 23/24 weeks so I have a very visual idea of what our baby is looking like and it's crazy! 
So weird to think he already has hair, nails and is an actual human!
 They did an ultra sound but just to hear the heart beat, hopefully next month I'll see him on the monitor again. My stomach is growing right along with the amount of weeks I am at so I should be growing a centimeter a week, aka I don't know how much longer I'll be able to fit into my non-maternity jeans, holding on strong!

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