Feb 23, 2014


How far along are you? 33 weeks.
How are you feeling? Still feeling good. Just getting extra large so I get tired pretty easily and some days real uncomfortable.
Do you have stretch marks? No.
Movement? I can tell he is getting really big by the movements he makes and how strong they feel. He is one active little guy. I spend 50% of the day with my shirt pulled up over my belly and just watch him go crazy! It's the weirdest/best thing ever. I love feeling him move and keep thinking how weird it's going to be once he's out and I don't get to feel that every day.
How big is the baby? Almost 18 inches long and 5 pounds! The size of a cantaloupe... seriously can't believe that's inside me.
Maternity clothes? Yep. Got my preggy pants or leggings on every day... luckily still no maternity tops which has been a huge lifesaver with spending money.
Sleep? I go through phases where either I sleep really well and could sleep till ten or I am extremely anxious and get about 3 hours of sleep and still wake up right at 8 o'clock. I've also been getting really hungry in the early early morning and have to go get a snack around 4:30, 5 a couple times a week. I do not like this one bit.
Food cravings? Still nothing really, just normal... sweets, diet coke.
Anything you miss? Um yes, not being out of breath after rolling over or sitting up, running over 3 miles, not having something in my way when I bend over...
Best moment this week? We had a couple minor scares the past couple weeks, which i'll talk about below, but because of that we were able to get a couple ultra sounds and see him in all his glory, and he is so so big! And so so cute!
So our baby is extremely active and the week after we moved I wasn't feeling him nearly as much as I had been for a few days, there was a huge difference where I'd feel a few flickers every couple hours instead of huge crazy movements every few minutes. So of course my doctor was out of town so I called in and talked with a nurse who sent me to the hospital to do a non-stress test. Well in short I was there for four hours... I was having contractions apparently that I wasn't feeling but they decided it was because I had to go to the bathroom... no idea how that works. But in the end everything was fine. The ultra sound tech measured his breathing, fluid and everything else and said it was normal and looking good. So that was a relief. I couldn't believe how big he was! His knees were bunched up in front of his chest.. so cute. And I'm still not sure what his deal was cause he definitely was different, but he's back to his usual crazy self.
Then I went in to my doctor appointment the next week and he was a little worried about my growth and said my stomach wasn't growing as much as he'd like so he had me schedule another appointment to see another ultra sound tech to measure the baby and make sure he was growing normally. Well everything was once again all ok. This ultra sound was actually really fun after we found out he was growing normally... he was so big and we got to see everything... we saw that he has hair, has chubby chubby cheeks and still has plump lips!

Only 6 weeks left!

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