Jun 2, 2014


two months

These past couple months have gone by way too fast! Beck just keeps growing and growing. He's still a little one, which I love. He's 10 lbs 3 oz and 21 inches long.
Loves looking around and can hold his head up so well!
He's extremely strong.
He's a little frustrated with tummy time but is very good at it.
He's started to smile and coo (being a preemie he's a bit behind but he's getting there!)
He still sleeps so well, i really consider myself lucky.
He's still breast feeding and eats really well. He eats a lot quicker now which is a lot nicer in the middle of the night.
He takes a bottle well too.
He still loves to cuddle, and i do too.
He's very calm and easy going but is a little dramatic at times.
He now grips and grabs on to me and other small things. 
Beck LOVES his bath time. He's started to cry when I take him out now. Bath time is definitely one of my top favorite times, his facial expressions are the absolute best. 
He has had some issues with pooping, he went a whole week without going and it was getting really frustrating for both him and I. He now is getting better and goes every couple days.
He got shots at his two month appointment, we both cried, saddest thing ever! Everything looked good and he's on track for his age. 
He loves shapes and lights. He constantly stares at our fans, bed frame and pictures on the wall.
He's out of most of his preemie clothes and in a good amount of his 0-3 month!
He makes the cutest noises while he sleeps and as much as his cry makes me sad it is way too cute.
He still sleeps in his bassinet next to our bed, I seriously am having a hard time putting him in his crib. He takes naps in his crib during the day just fine but I just can't not sleep by him!
He's started to be more vocal and cry more often but really is pretty calm most the day.
He has the longest, curliest eyelashes!
His eyebrows have gotten a lot darker which makes me think he'll have darker hair. He's lost a little of hair on the back but still has a good amount in the back. It's starting to come in fast on the top and it's really fussy! 
He doesn't spit up nearly as much or often as he used too.
I keep loving each stage more and more!

two month check up (pre-shots)

after shots, he did so well!

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