Nov 17, 2011

One year older & extremely wiser.

      As much as I hate attention I loove my birthday. I was really excited for my birthday this year because it happened to fall on a Saturday which meant no work and I would get to spend the whole day with Matthew.
      We started out the day with lunch at Zupas with my sisters... Jess was so nice to buy me a dessert, I couldn't refuse the fondue with strawberries, bananas, marshmallows and mini brownies! Delish!

He was a little upset he wasn't invited to lunch.
      Matt and I then decided to go to Gateway, despite the miniature blizzard. We had a lot of fun shopping around and looking for cute decorations for our house. We then figured it was best to keep shopping... since we were in such a shopping spirit, and headed to Fashion Place. I love it when the mall is crazy and there are people everywhere, it reminds me of the holidays. So I of course had a wonderful time fighting my way through the new stores that just opened in the mall, pretty sure Matt loved it too.
     We ate dinner at my favorite place, Cheesecake factory. I was pretty nervous the wait was going to be way too long, good thing 80 minutes goes by fast when you have the mall right there to keep you occupied. It was a very fun and eventful day!
      Sunday my mom was nice enough to whip up one of my favorite meals and my favorite funfetti cake... sooo good. We spent the day hanging out with my family, opening up presents, and eating cake and ice cream! I couldn't have asked for a better birthday weekend!

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