Feb 9, 2011

Officially Engaged!

So I blog to keep some sort of record of mine and Matt's life together. I try to include important events here so we will never forget. Well I came to the realization that I never wrote down one of the biggest nights for Matt and I... our engagement! This is just my interpretation of it, I should probably get Matt to write down his because I am sure it is completely different. 

The Video...

The Story...
It was February 9, and Matt and I had been dating for about a year up to this point. We were lucky enough to be able to go to about one Jazz game a week with Matt's parents season tickets, so when he invited me to go a few days before I didn't think anything of it -We knew we were going to get married but I thought we wouldn't get engaged for another month or two- Matt told me his friends, Kelli and Tyson Ballard, invited us to go with them and sit in ICON's second row seats. Once again I was not suspicious at all since Kelli's dad works for ICON and this was not a one time thing for them. (Matt obviously was planning this whole thing and was the one who got the tickets and invited them to come along and take pictures and carry the ring etc. etc... sneaky).I am not going to lie, when Matt invited me to go I was a little weary about going, I had a test the next morning pretty early and was just a little exhausted from school in general. But I decided I couldn't pass up sitting on the second row with Matt and the Ballard's... good thing. 
Anyways, we drove down and ate at the VIP dinner before the game. The game was intense! Not just because we could smell the blood, sweat and tears (mostly coming from Boozer when some wise man yelled out "Boozer, Milsap is working you like Michelle Money!") but because it was a close game the whole time. Once the game was over Matt "answered his phone" and told us, once he hung up, that Ronnie Price's wife was at the game and said she had some family passes to meet the players after if we want. (Another side note: Matt's sister went to high school with Ronnie Price's wife so this once again wasn't out of the ordinary... except it was. I was a little confused and surprised considering Matt had this "IN" and we had never gotten family passes before. However, I still was very unaware at what was about to happen and was just too excited and was a little star struck). So we met up with his wife, got the passes and waited around in the family lounge for the players to come out. One by one some of the players started to file in... this was so weird... I was probably acting extremely awkward. Matt seemed a little too calm meeting the players... we got pictures with some of the players and got to talk with them for a little bit. Then Ronnie Price came in and we got to meet him with his wife. He handed Matt a basketball with all the players signatures on it saying it was from Kelli, Matt's sister, for Matt's birthday (which was on the 19th). I really couldn't wrap my head around what was happening, I just couldn't believe we were sitting there, awkwardly, meeting all the players and their families. So then when Matt turned around with the ball that said "Will you Marry Me" on it with every players signature and got down on one knee... I really began to freak out and get even more awkward! I believe my first words to Matt were "What the heck are you doing??" ... but then when he asked if I would marry him and it really started to set in that this was for real happening, it wasn't some sick joke, I got really excited and happy and of course said YES!! Everyone cheered, including the players that were in there, Ronnie Price handed me some flowers and said congrats (nbd) ... It seriously was the greatest moment I had ever had. I loooved the fact some of our friends were there to take pictures and a video, even tho I will never forget this whole thing. After the shock didn't ware off we headed outside where, another surprise from Matt, were 3 of my best friends! We laughed and cried and took some more pictures. One of my most favorite things are twinkle lights, and for those of you who know, the Energy Solutions Arena is covered with twinkle lights outside! It.was.the.best. I called my family and announced the exciting news! My ring was/is so pretty! I love everything about it. And to top the night off my good friend Thurl Bailey drove past and we snapped a pic and he gave me some marriage advice... Thank you Matthew for asking me to marry you! It was the best decision I have ever made. And I think it's safe to say I definitely did NOT care about my test the next morning...

As all of this was going on we were blissfully unaware that while we were waiting in the family lounge, Jerry Sloan was telling his players he was retiring... and Daron Williams was DONE with the Jazz. Not only was this an unforgettable night for us but it was a night that made history. Guess they just wanted to wait for the right moment and go out with a bang! You're welcome Jerry.

The Pictures...

Ronnie checking out my bling..

1 comment:

  1. FLOWERS FROM RONNIE PRICE?!?!!?! Shoot... I didn't know that! Soooo cooooolllll!!!!! Nailed it, Matt.

    And Thurl Bailey. Best. This is a great story.
