May 29, 2011

Our Kind of Love

Matt and I got married on Friday, May 20, 2011 in the Salt Lake Temple. Our ceremony wasn't until 1:30 so I was able to take my time and sleep in (as much as I could). It was rainy, really rainy. But i was surprisingly calm. I think I knew that it didn't really matter and I was just excited that we were actually getting married today! It was still pouring down on our way down town which had me a little more worried. By the time we got to the temple grounds there was just a small patch of clear skies right above the temple, coincidence?
Steven Dalton did our ceremony and it was so great! I loved everything about it! It was very personal and special to us. It made it even better that we got to share it with most of our friends and family. After the ceremony we greeted everyone outside, it was not raining - Hallelujah!- and took pictures for the next couple hours. We went straight to our wedding dinner at La Caille. Matt's family did a good job with this and made it very fun and once again it was wonderful to have all of our closest family and friends in one room! We had our reception right after the dinner and got to enjoy more friends and family. It was sooo pretty, I couldn't have asked for anything more! It really was the best day and everything went so well! Thank you to our family and friends for making us feel so loved! And to Matt for being so calm and easy going the whole day. I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with you!
I guess it's true, rain on your wedding day does means good luck.

Love this picture... mainly because of my brother in-law right behind us... a little too excited.

My maid of honor... she forgot to wear her matching white dress.

The End.

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