May 31, 2011

The Honeymoon.

The day after our wedding we headed straight to Cancun, Mexico for one whole week! It was so nice to have a week long break from everything and to be able to spend a week with just the two of us. Matt planned the whole thing and we stayed in an all-inclusive resort.
When we arrived at the hotel our room hadn't been cleaned up so they felt bad and bumped us up to a new room with "VIP" access to a private pool and a small room with food, treats and internet access.. we weren't complaining. 
The resort was really cool and had about 8 different types of restaurants including: Mexican, Italian, Chinese  Mediteranian, American, a buffet that would switch up every day and a little dessert shop. Since it was all-inclusive we could order anything and everything that we wanted. We took advantage of this, especially on the beach and ordered a pina-colada about every hour. We spent most our days enjoying the sun, beach, pool and food. The ocean was about 75 degrees! It was about the warmest I had ever felt the water. Every night we would get ready and go to dinner at a new restaurant we hadn't tried, we decided the Italian restaurant was our favorite. There was constantly something going on at night including a magic show, karaoke, some sort of Mexican play - donkey's included-, fire dancers and a lot more. So each night was new and exciting! 
Wednesday we decided to do one of the excursions, there were a lot to chose from but we got many opinions and heard that this one was the best. We left early that morning and headed to the "explorer excursion". It was some what of a water park but much cooler. We got to canoe, drive ATV's and swim through caves, do small zip-lines through water and the best was do over 15 zip-lines way high up in the air. It was so much fun! 
One of our last nights there the resort put on a luau. There was so much good food and entertainment, it was the perfect way to end our honeymoon! 

Sorry for the blurriness on these next pictures... I refused to pay $20 for one picture, so I just took a picture of a picture... don't judge me. 

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