Jan 16, 2014

HELLO third trimester!

How far along are you? 28 Weeks.
How are you feeling? Feeling good. I started to get heartburn around 25 weeks and it was pretty bad a couple times, especially Christmas Eve (I blame the sugar cookies), but it's pretty much gone away now. I've been really lucky and have had no real issues with feeling sick through out this whole thing; haven't thrown up once which has been so great and yet really weird because I've just been anticipating it.
Do you have stretch marks? No.
Movement? Still moving around like crazy. He LOVES music. With out fail if I turn on upbeat music he moves... a lot. Cutest thing ever. He's also getting really big and strong where I feel EVERYTHING and see movements all over my stomach, craziest thing!
How big is the baby? Approximately 15.25 inches and 2.5 lbs, the size of a butternut squash.
Maternity clothes? Not yet but it's going to happen real soon.
Sleep? Besides me being really restless it's been good.
Food cravings? I'm basically back to my usual self where I crave Diet Coke and sweets every day... and that dang peppermint shake from Chick Filet.
Anything you miss? Cookie dough, my colored jeans and pencil skirts.
Best moment this week? I seriously love feeling like me and baby boy are already bff. I can get him to move whenever i touch my belly or talk (or sing rap music) to him when we are alone. Not only are his eyes open now but he can tell which voice is mine and i love it!

I know everyone says how quickly it goes by but I really can't believe I am 3 months away! Our life has been extremely hectic lately from prepping for baby, working full time, making some huge life changes and just trying to enjoy every moment of being pregnant. These next 3 months are going to go by even faster and it's making me very excited and anxious! We've started to get furniture and I can't wait to see how everything looks put together. And let me just tell you, despite what anyone says, boy clothes are the most fun to shop for! He's already got a better wardrobe then I do and I can't wait to dress him up! 
Baby is growing rapidly… and so am I. 

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