Apr 20, 2014


Beck at one month.
He already has the cutest personality, he's very calm and easy going and yet dramatic when it comes to pooping and changing his diaper. 
LOVES his binky and sucking on anything he can get his little hands on. 
Growls and makes animal noises 24/7.
Instead of crying he grunts.
He smiles - even tho I'm pretty sure it's just gas. 
He loves holding on to my fingers.
Loves music, especially these "hip" lullabies we listen to, calms him right down.
He's the best cuddler. We could cuddle all day long - makes it very hard to get out of bed. 
He loves laying chest to chest, it's one of my favorite things.
He sleeps on my chest at night, pretty sure it's going to be me who has a harder time with getting him to sleep in his own bed. 
He has his nights but he usually sleeps really well and wakes up every 3-4 hours to eat and goes back to sleep. 
He is the best eater! He's plumping up pretty quick because of it.
We have breastfeeding down really well now, thank heavens.
He twitches while he sleeps just like Matt.
The only time he really cries is when we change his diaper or he's constipated.
My most favorite time is after we give him a bath, he's wide awake and so calm and just stares with his big eyes at us!
He sleeps with his mouth open and occasionally snores.
Beck loves his hands, always in his face or mouth. 
At our last check up he was 5 pounds 5 ounces but I think he might be over 6 pounds now.
One Week.

Two Weeks.

Three Weeks.

Four Weeks.

One Month.

 and happy Easter!

I love this baby of mine way too much! I love everything about him and he couldn't be more perfect, especially for me. I'm not going to lie being a mom is way more exhausting and time consuming then I ever imagined, but I've never been more happy and content with my life then now. Matt and I had a pretty rough year last year and I fought off the feeling to get pregnant as long as I could thinking it'd just make our situation more difficult. Well it's so weird how once we decided to start trying things started to get better for us and as soon as Beck was here EVERYTHING worked out. 
And now if time could just slow down a little... 

1 comment:

  1. he is too sweet! and sounds like you guys are adjusting well too!
