Jul 30, 2014


It's so crazy how fast time goes.
I seriously cannot believe Beck is 4 months already.
It's a bitter sweet feeling. 
Sad his teeny tiny newborn stage is over but I LOVE the stage he is in now.
He had his 4 month check up and is
13.6 lbs, 24 inches 
To say he's a good baby is an understatement. I honestly don't know how we got so lucky!
He loves his sleep. Can fall asleep just about anywhere.
He's in his crib now and is starting to get a schedule going on.
We put him down around 10, 10:30 and sleeps for 10 - 12 hours!
 He gets in a good two hour nap or so in the afternoon and a ton of cat naps.
His personality is the sweetest!
He's super smiley and talkative! All you've got to do is just look at him and he gets all bashful.
His giggle is the best too.
He loves to cuddle and be held. 
He's still a really good eater except he LOVES looking around so some times he gets a little distracted. 
Beck loves standing and has been trying to sit up, should be interesting to see when he actually does cause he's a pretty strong little boy! 
He's started to grip and grab and almost always has pieces of my hair in his hand.
Still love his binky.
He found his thumb... helps him sleep and it really is the cutest thing!
We took him in our pool for the first time on the fourth and he loved it. He's a very calm, cool, collected little boy so he basically just kicked back and relaxed, and fell asleep.
We also took him to the Real Game for the first time.
We have season tickets so we were pretty excited to start taking him. Other then the heat, with him it wasn't bad. He just sat there and took in everything, cried only once at the noise.

He's grown so much! It's crazy too think how small he was. His smallest preemie clothes wouldn't even fit a leg now :(
These past two months have been a lot easier then the first two. 
While those first couple months are the most special, we are in a good routine now and it's just easier.
Not to mention I can finally take him just about anywhere with me.

3 Mo.

4 Mo.

(took his shots like a champ)

Love my little bff!

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh. i yub him! seriously, I'm not sure that there's a cuter little baby in this world!!
