Dec 22, 2014


My baby is 8 months!
I know I sound cliche saying this but the past 8 months have been the best ever.
When people say it keeps getting better and better they aren't lying.
Beck is so fun right now!
His little personality is coming out and it's so cute.
He is the most giggly baby ever. He just smiles and laughs at every stranger he sees.
He can sit like it's no big deal now.
He rolls all over, still not crawling or really attempting.
He loves to stand but can't really balance unless we are holding his hands.
Beck loooves his tongue. It's always hanging out or moving around.
He also loves his hands. He can clap and wave! I love it.
He is eating table foods now, still doesn't have teeth so only soft things.
He loves just about anything mashed potatoes, avocado, yogurt, chick-fil-a chicken..
We haven't found anything he won't eat. 
He loves his puffs and yogurt melts. We're working on him feeding himself but his little hands are too chubby so they get stuck haha.
He talks and yells all day and some days says mamma, dada and babba. Pretty sure he has no idea what he's saying but I'll take it for now! 
He still sleeps through the night and naps really well.
Loves playing with phones and remotes... when I hide them from him he'll play with anything I put in front of him. He's easy to please.
Beck's just been the biggest blessing in our lives and I don't know what I'd do with out my little side kick! 

7 months.

 My best grocery shopping partner.


 Morning Yoga.

8 months.

 Upgraded to a new carseat! 

 His best side.

 First Jazz game of the season for this little one.

 That face tho.

 Beck's first Thanksgiving!

I love this little boy!

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