Feb 11, 2013

BTB's on the GGB.

This past week Matt had meetings in California 
 I was lucky enough to go out with him
and spend some quality time with Kara & Joe! 
We got in Wednesday morning and went to lunch at Barney's 
Matt went to his meeting and I got situated in our hotel
we met up with Kara and Joe for dinner on the Wharf at Alioto's
We then had to partake in the deliciousness of Ghirardelli

 View from the restaurant
 Some fresh & so clean seafood.

 Nob Hill Chill.

Thursday Matt had another meeting in the morning so I was adventurous and took the Bart in to the city to shop at the huge Westfield Mall
Matt met up with me and we walked around Union Square and explored a bit
We met up with the Jeppson's for dinner at my favorite, SOL FOOD
We spent the night watching our TV shows and hot tubing.

 Union Square.

Friday Matt was done with his meetings (yay) so we slept in
enjoyed lunch at The Counter
took the beautiful drive to Stinson Beach
We picked Kara up from work and headed to Corte Madera 
Joe had a scout camp out that night so just us three bff's went to dinner at Citrus & Spice and then went to Warm Bodies, which was hilarious.

 Best hamburger I've ever had/created.

Saturday we headed in to the City for some site seeing
we went to:
the GGB
Lunch & met up with Brett
the wharf
Bob's donuts
China Town
Dinner at Scala's with the Burton's
Lombard Street (most winding street in the world)

 and happy 2 year engagement anniversary too us! 


Pesto Gnocchi.

Salted Caramel Ice cream.

Top of Lombard.

We left Sunday which is always bitter sweet, well mostly bitter.
Just makes me miss my BTB!
Thanks for the great time, now I need a diet. 

1 comment:

  1. It was the best of times...it was....really the best of times. Thanks for coming out! (AKA thanks to Matt for having meetings out here!) Love you Milsapees!
