Sep 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

          Our Labor Day weekend was filled with a bunch of different events! I had to work at Swiss Days literally aaalll day Friday but I actually enjoyed it! I love that atmosphere because it gets me excited for fall. Being up there 13 hours and all I had plenty of time to walk around and enjoy the different booths which gave me some good ideas for crafts that I just may attempt. In our family once fall begins we know that the men in our lives will probably be non-existent until hunting season is over. Since I can feel my sisters pain we spent the night doing what girls do best when we aren't wanted... watch cheesy movies and eat our feelings with delicious cupcakes! Saturday we decided that it was probably a good idea to go to the pool with the perfect hot weather. I love going to the pool with Jess and her cute little family because Olivia keeps me entertained and very occupied the entire time with her amazing diving skills!
        My husband finally decided to join me in Salt Lake and we enjoyed our first Real game of the year. It was a very fun and surprisingly entertaining game. Sunday was very relaxing and enjoyable as usual. The whole Thain family got together and enjoyed a BBQ that was filled with laughter and crying... on the Nordhoff end...
       To finish off the holiday weekend we took our monthly trip to IKEA. We are finally getting used to IKEA and only get lost a few times every visit. We went to our favorite lunch spot Smashburger and then headed up to Park City to do a little Labor Day deal shopping. I am happy to say it was a success! We finally decided to take the trek back up to our humble home and ended the night with tin foil dinners with the Weese family.

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