Sep 28, 2011

Mr. and Mrs. Jeppson

     Friday, September 23 my bestest friend in the whole wide world got married! It was very fun for me because I got to be a long side her for most of the process explaining to her how it's not weird that she was hating the whole wedding planning process and that by the end of my planning I was about ready to take back agreeing to marrying Matthew... ok not really but kind of... The best part was that I got to go through with her when she went to the temple for the first time. This was great because I actually got to sit back and relax and enjoy the process instead of worrying about everyone watching me and knowing that I had no idea what was going on. I seriously loved this experience because Kara and I have been best friends ever since I can remember and it was nice to know that even though we were moving on we would still be friends forever... ok that sounded a liiitttle gay but hey it's the truth and we love each other.
     Their wedding day was so pretty! The weather was perfect... I was a little jealous and hating my life for a minute... but I couldn't be happier for them and was glad there was no worry of rain. I loved her dress, hair, jewelry, shoes, colors... ok lets just say I was happy to be the maid of honor. All in all I love them both... even though Joe is taking her away from me... but I will forgive him.. in a few years when they move back to Utah! GND and HW for life!
They are Married!!



My main man.

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