Oct 10, 2011

It's Fall!

        For the short period it's fall, I love it! Some reasons I love fall are... the clothes! I love boots and I love being able to just wear a sweater with no jacket. I love the smell of fall, aka my pumpkin spice candle. Of course I love the changing of the leaves and all of the colors. I really love 200 East in Logan in the fall and all of the decorations everyone puts up, including myself. I love decorations and Halloween so fall pretty much fulfills both my needs in those subjects. One thing I truly love is all of the pumpkin flavored food! The minute it felt like fall I stocked up on pumpkin in a can and started to make pumpkin chocolate chip bread... pumpkin cookies.... and I am going to attempt to make these bad boys...
Pumpkin Pancakes.
I am not really sure if Matt enjoys pumpkin as much as I do but he better start liking it because there is a whole lot of pumpkin coming his way... if you know what I mean.
        So far fall has been full of football for us. With in a matter of two weeks we have endured 3 football games. I really love going to football games but the reason why I say endure is because every game has not turned out so good... thanks a lot Utah! Just kidding... but seriously watching turn over after turn over gets a liiitttle old. I think we might try not going to football games for awhile and see what happens. However, aside from the unfortunate outcomes of these games they were really fun!

         And might I add entertaining thanks to the few drunks that got escorted out, the old men sitting next to us who were chugging the liquor and commenting on how much they liked my shoes, and my favorite... the college student who was so rudely de-pantsed... completely naked, eeevvverything hangin out... right in front of us. bahaha poor kid. All in all it has been a wonderful start into this beeeautiful fall season!

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