Sep 15, 2011

Saying Goodbye

    Soo almost four months Matt and I have been married! Woo! And I am just now starting the process of saying goodbye to Jenny Thain and hello to Jenny Weese... it's been a very difficult task for me to bring myself to wait in line to change something that has been the same ever since birth. But I am doing it! Marriage has been a very bitter sweet change for me. This was the first summer I spent away from Sandy, the first summer I spent away from my best friend, the first summer I spent in school and the first summer I lived with a boy. Between the mix of all of these I have been what some would like to call.. an emotional wreck! I am surprised my poor husband hasn't left me yet! However, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be having the great time I have been having during all of these changes and saying goodbye to my old life.
    After spending two long months living out of boxes in our apartment our house was finally done! We moved July 22 into our lovely home! I never knew moving could be such a long and dreadful task but with help from our friends and family we got a lot done that holiday weekend! It was so nice to finally unpack all of our stuff and get it organized... well some what organized. I am happy to say that about 2 months later we finally hung up pictures, I bought my first plant and we already have a calling in church... our place is starting to feel like home!
    Ever since February 9, the night Matt professed his love to me and put a ring on my finger, our lives have been extremely hectic! From planning a wedding, to graduating college, to getting a real job, to Matt selling his business, to getting married to moving out... our life couldn't have turned out better! And I couldn't have done any of this with out my best friend. And I will maybe think about posting some pictures of our humble home...

1 comment:

  1. First off I want that pie! YUM!! Secondly I love this post ... it is hard but so worth it ... but seriously you need to get your little bum down here because I miss you!!!!
